

The seventh largest and second most populous municipality in Bergen County, Teaneck has a unique blend of cultures, languages, and ethnicity's. Originally inhabited by Hackensack Indians, it was settled by Dutch Colonists in the 1600's and incorporated as the township in 1895. It claims some of the oldest homes in America and gained national notoriety in the 1960's when it became the first community in the country to vote for integrated schools.

General Information:

Town Name: Teaneck

City Hall: 818 Teaneck Road

Address: Municipal Building, Teaneck NJ 07666

Phone Number: 201-837-1600

Land Area: 6 + sq. miles

Distance to NYC: 14 miles

Town Website: http://www.teanecknj.gov

Library Website: http://www.bccls.org

Water Service: United Water Company

Gas & Electric: P.S.E.&G.

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