Englewood Cliffs


In November, 218 years ago, the site the Borough now occupies was the scene of a heroic encounter that changed the course of our nation. An unknown farmer riding from the north over our cliffs warned General Washington’s men, camped on the crest of the Palisades at Fort Lee, that the British were coming. The early warning allowed Washington to make his successful strategic retreat and thus avoid confronting the numerically superior British force. General Washington’s small group of brave but ill-equipped and trained patriots would surely have been defeated. Had General Washington been captured as planned by British general Cornwallis, it is conceivable that the Revolution War would have been lost.

General Information:

Town Name: Englewood Cliffs

City Hall: Englewood Cliffs Borough Hall

Address: 10 Kahn Terrace, Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632

Phone Number: 201-569-5252

Land Area:

Distance to NYC: 12 miles

Town Website: http://www.englewoodcliffsnj.org/

Library Website: https://fortleelibrary.org/englewood-cliffs/

Water Service: United Water Company

Gas & Electric: P.S.E. & G.

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